Kiosk and More

Kiosk & More

Reception building: kiosk, sanitary area, washing room and kitchen


Our reception building contains a kiosk, where we serve cafetaria food and sell sodas, chips, chocolate, icecream etc.

Opening hours are from Easter to the end of september:

  • fridays from 19 - 22
  • saturdays from 18 - 22

In july:

  • every evening from 18 - 22

In the kiosk you can use our free Wifi network.

Sanitary area

On the backside of the Reception building are the sanitary areas: showers and toilets for men and women. You can pay for the showers with your bank or credit card at the payment terminal.

Washing room and kitchen

Also on the backside is a room with washing machine and tumble dryer.

And finally a small kitchen to do the dishes and prepare some food (mainly meant for people in tents when it is raining).


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Nautesund Camping
Nautesund Camping | Kanskje Norges finaste plass