
In the surroundings of Nautesund Camping you will find everything you may expect from Norway: sea and fjords, mountains, lakes and waterfalls, savage areas, farmland and so on.

Sea is everywhere.
The campsite is directly at the border, although it may look like lakes. The typical coast of many islands and sounds create a specific atmosphere. When you take out in a boat it will not be difficult to find a secluded spot at a beach or on one of the many islands. We can recommend a trip to watch the sun or moon rise - maybe have breakfast or a small barbecue with maybe a bottle of wine?. 

There are two ways out to the main fjord (the Fensfjord) and there you are as good as on open sea. The eastern passage leads through a narrow which on its own is already very beautiful, but the part you enter after is very secluded; one of our guests called it ‘a dream’. Very quiet and - when the sun is rising or setting - the light is superb. With a little luck you will even spot one or more eagles flying over or one ore more ‘nise’ (porpoises, small dolphins). 


Almost everywhere it is quite good fishing, even from the footbridge to our small island. However, most people who come especially for fishing, go out towards the Fensfjord and fish around the islands. 

We supply a fishing map with indicated fishing spots (marked by Gerd Norunn’s father, also a fisherman). It’s no guarantee of course, but your chances are some higher. 

Fresh water fishing is possible in the Frøyseth river. You will need a special permit to do so, but you might return with some lovely trouts!


Although many children (and adults) prefer to go swimming from the harbours, it is also possible to go to some beaches nearby with shallower water, which is of course nicer for the smaller children. The water may also be some warmer.


You will find two supermarkets closeby where we expect you will find everything you need. One to the east (a Spar shop in Hosteland, 6 km) and one to the west (close to the ferry Sløvåg - Leirvåg, Bunnpris, also 6 km). Around each of the supermarkets are some more shops. At the Spar Supermarket, it is possible to withdraw money.

For a somewhat bigger shopping you can go to Lindås (10 km after the ferry) or for a quite big shopping center to Knarvik (30 km after the ferry). It is a nice trip and if you plan to go to Knarvik, you can also choose to take the ferry from Duesund to Masfjordnes and then further towards Knarvik. This road is smaller and some more pittoresque. 


If you plan a city trip to Bergen for one day, it will take about 1,5 hour from the camping. Please ask us for more information about the city, parking etc. The time tables of the ferries you can find under 'Contact'.


In the closeby area are several walking trails. It's possible to walk up the mountain directly behind the camping, or some other 1- 2 hours walking trips closeby, that mostly lead up to a mountain (height ca. 140 - 200 m).

For longer walking trips you can go to the mountains at Sleire (10 min. drive) or take the ferry from Duesund to Masfjordnes and go into the mountains there. These trips will take several hours and we can give you more information about these or longer trips.

Touring the area

You can drive the road to the west and visit the small area of Skjerjehavn that was a somewhat important connection point for the ship traffic in old times. You can visit an exhibition; there is also a statue of the earlier Norwegian king Olav. It is a nice trip (about 45 min) and you will have some lovely scenery views.

Another, somewhat longer trip leads up north towards the Sognefjord. You can follow this impressive fjord (the biggest in the world) a while before returning over the mountain back south. 

Of course there are many more trips, so please don’t hesitate to ask us about the possibillities. 

Berry and mushroom picking

In the woods and along the roads you may find many blackberries, raspberries and an enormous quantity of blueberries. 

Nautesund Camping | Kanskje Norges finaste plass